• Admission Closed for PGDM (MBA) 2024-26 Batch. Session starting from July 23, 2024

Founder Chairman’s Message

Ex-member UPSC

Ex-Chairman, Punjab Public Service Commission,
Former Chairman, Recruitment Boards – NABARD and STC

With the dawn of a new academic year, as I look back at the yesteryears, I find that we have successfully completed twenty five years since inception of New Delhi Institute of Management (NDIM). More than Two decades of our meaningful existence under the Charitable “Society for Employment and Career Counseling” (Regd.), has been a period of great achievements and satisfaction.

With strong support of its Board of Directors, dedicated team of faculty members, administrative staff, excellent corporate relations and infrastructure-NDIM is reckoned as a premier Business School in India.

At NDIM, our focus is to develop business leaders who can tackle challenges of industry by continuously working towards new challenges and situations. We emphasize on building business leaders of tomorrow and I would like to reinforce that our endeavor is to keep a balance between the education we impart and what the industry requires.

We have accepted education and training as the primary mode of serving the society at large. This should not be taken to imply by any stretch of imagination that we are grooming only future professional managers. We do understand that unless the downtrodden, vulnerable sections of society, are served to the best of our ability, we would be failing in our social responsibilities.

I take this opportunity to thank His Holiness, Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji, for giving valuable tips on “Stress Management” at our platform to not only the students and faculty of NDIM but also to the corporate world. We believe that unless the growth of religious causes, moral values and business ethics are integrated, managements cannot succeed. I am grateful to the corporate world and the distinguished people from academia for their continuous support.

I believe, by working together in an environment of trust and support, we would be able to achieve more success and fame in the years to come.

Late Shri Jaswant Rai Bansal

Founder Chairman, NDIM


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