NDIM Delhi

Welcoming a Risk-Free Tomorrow



ACGRPN helps businesses in leveraging the expertise of top global Risk Leaders®through its leadership Forum.


ACGRPN has access to the three-level course model of ‘Strategic Risk Policy®’ with an aim to offer certifications to become a Risk Leader®, Risk-Advisor and Chief Risk Policy Officers to the global market.


ACGRPN provides policy advisory to government as well as private organisations on global & national vulnerabilities, exposures, risks and enhancements to enterprise risk management (ERM).


ACGRPN organises global workshops on Strategic Risk Policy®️ and Vulnerability Protection.

Who We Are

The Asian Centre for the Global Risk Policy (ACGRPN) is a non-profit organisation that promotes and encourages a new leadership approach across all sectors in the Asia-Pacific to enable informed and pre-emptive decision-making through Strategic Risk Policy® in today’s transformative and disrupted world. NDIM has collaborated with the Australian Risk Policy Institute (ARPI) to establish India’s first ever Global Risk Policy Network to produce world-class ARPI-certified ‘Risk Leaders®’ through Strategic Risk Policy® Courses.

What is Strategic Risk Policy®?

“Strategic Risk Policy® is the driver and pinnacle to protect against and leverage from vulnerabilities or potential strategic risks. It will also in turn reduce the number and severity of risks and wicked problems to manage. It will empower Boards and Executive Committees to make more timely and more effective decisions-and enhance any later risk management processes necessary for any remaining risks – for best-practice performance and sound corporate governance.”
– Tony Charge, President of ARPI

Strategic Risk Policy® Courses Model:


Level 1

Certificate of Leadership in Strategic Risk Policy® Course

A one-day innovative Certificate of Leadership in Strategic Risk Policy® which enables leaders, managers, policy makers and other professionals to learn how to deliver informed and pre-emptive decision-making in today’s changing, transformative and disruptive world. Understanding and operating in the strategic environment in which we live and work.

Level 2

Certificate of Advanced Leadership in Strategic Risk Policy® Course

Learning how to implement Strategic Risk Policy® in small to large organisations in the overall context of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) contexts and perspectives –including embracing the latest advanced technology.

Level 3

Certificate of Practitioner in Strategic Risk Policy® Course

In time, every organisation will need to have a Chief Risk Policy Officer at Board and Senior Executive levels. Learn how to operate as a Chief Risk Policy Officer in any walk of life.


  • Advanced knowledge and practical understanding of the new relationship among ‘leaders & managers’ – ‘vulnerability potential strategic risk’ – ‘decision-making’.
  • Ability to immediately apply both the theory and practice of Strategic Risk Policy® in your workplace – being recognised as a Risk Leader® among peers.
  • Authority of the Strategic Risk Policy® Model from over a decade of advanced R&D including a revised, contemporary, strategic and practical meaning of risk.
  • Exclusive executive matrix comprising the ‘New Risk Landscape’ – 360-degree holistic performance and governance ‘ultimate dashboard’ suitable for managing a small business through to a large, global corporate entity.
  • Defining expertise in applying Strategic Risk Policy® as the new frontline approach to risk, in place of traditional risk management processes, which are now informed and authorised by Strategic Risk Policy®

Learn more about what makes the ACGRPN unique.

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