NDIM Delhi

Our Purpose

  • To contribute to the knowledge and introduction of Strategic Risk Policy® covering whole-of-business-sector or whole-of-government approaches in Asia to ensure challenges, problems and opportunities facing the developing countries are effectively addressed;
  • To ensure a Strategic Risk Policy® approach is better understood and articulated at senior executive levels, from cabinet ministers to boards and company executives and management teams;
  • To comment on a range of issues, including policy and legislation, from risk-policy-based perspectives;
  • To promote Strategic Risk Policy® application and implementation, to share Strategic Risk Policy® knowledge and understanding, provide a network for professionals interested in leadership-informed decision-making and to conduct research into risk policies;
  • To publish papers on Strategic Risk Policy® issues, implementation examples and achievements, to promote community awareness, discussion and debate.

It is a great honour and privilege to enter a partnership with the New Delhi Institute of Management to share ARPI’s educational initiatives. Strategic Risk Policy® promotes leadership paradigm change for pre-emptive and enhanced decision-making. We all learn every day of our lives and it is indeed critical today to anticipate, be situationally aware including of sudden change and to be resilient.

-Mr. Tony Charge,

ARPI President and Chairman, Global Risk Policy Network (GRPN)

NDIM and ARPI have collaborated to establish a Global Risk Policy Network with top leaders from government, industry, academic and community sectors to introduce and facilitate ARPI’s Strategic Risk Policy® across the Asia-Pacific region. ARPI, a not-for-profit institute, promotes new leadership thinking and approaches to help organisations adapt to ensure informed and pre-emptive decision-making, recognising today’s transformative and disruptive world. This International Alliance is a steppingstone towards an educational revolution by launching the Strategic Risk Policy® in India
The Global Risk Policy Network (GRPN) has been created by, is convened and governed by the Australian Risk Policy Institute. This Network comprises special purpose groups including cyber-security, complex project management, resilience, economics, counter-terrorism, intelligence augmentation (IA), anti-money-laundering, fraud and counterfeiting. ARPI has developed Strategic Risk Policy® which quickly attracted high-level global attention leading to the expansion of ARPI’s presence globally. ARPI has formalised the growing global footprint under the banner of the GRPN. See www.grpn.net .


  • ARPI, operating globally in four locations – Australia, Europe, USA & now India. ARPI along with its inaugural affiliated Risk Policy Institute – the Eurpoean Risk Policy Institute (ERPI) have been promoting Strategic Risk Policy® in the UK, Europe, USA and now India proactively;
  • ARPI proudly promotes its partnership with the Electric Infrastructure Security Council (found at www.eiscouncil.org) whose role is to promote resilience of critical global infrastructure across electricity, water, gas, floods and bushfires.
  • ARPI enjoys an extensive global network which includes both strategic and operational partnerships with the Australian National University, GRC Institute, Engineers Australia, The Taxation Institute, The Ethics Centre, Thales Security and a myriad of peak professional bodies.
  • Australian Risk Policy Institute (ARPI) collaborated with Consumer Unity and Trust Society, India on 22st February 2022.
  • Establishment of an Intelligence Augmentation (IA) Risk Policy Group has been approved by the Board as APRI’s 10th special purpose group and eight industry, academic and professional members of ARPI being the inaugural members.
  • ARPI is participating in training being provided by our partner the Australian National University’s National Security College to members of the Thailand Government. ARPI an introduction to Strategic Risk Policy® to show how it is now the frontline approach to the consideration of risk in order to improve cyber security across critical infrastructure sectors.




Vishwa Mohan Bansal, the Chairman of New Delhi Institute of Management, has been a senior civil servant and served Govt. of India, Governments of Punjab and Delhi, several Public sector undertakings and the Industry for 43 years at the highest levels.

His global experience at highest levels, innovative management techniques, have put NDIM on the world map; KPMG India has rated NDIM amongst the fastest growing MBA schools of Asia in January 2014, Business World has rated NDIM as the 15th best MBA in India, and Business India has rated NDIM in the category higher than A++ MBA schools of India continuously for 5 years Administration by KEISIE International University, South Korea.

Price water house Coopers and Mail Today have ranked NDIM among the “most illustrious brands” continuously for 2 years. Mr. Bansal is the 2015 recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award for his exemplary contribution towards education by the CEGR, a leading research & policy Think Tank of Delhi in the field of education, policy and research. He is special invitee to the Committees on Higher Education of both FICCI and CII and the Co- Chairman of PHDCCI Committee on Education. Mr. Bansal is the President of alumni associations of 50-year-old NIT Kurukshetra and Sainik School Rewa, and is the recipient of Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration by KEISIE International University, South Korea.



Nikhil is the Dean of India Centre for Global Excellence at New Delhi Institute of Management (NDIM) and is also the CEO of the International Skills Centre India with more than 20 years of experience in the corporate world. After working at senior positions with some of the top companies of the world and being honoured with an Executive Leadership certification by the eCornell University, New York, he set out to create value by leading NDIM’s Training Research and Consulting Vertical that conducts MDPs and other training programmes for the Corporate Professionals.

He has nurtured a multitude of Corporate Connects through the most sought-after Webinars and has also spearheaded the Indo-Japan Projects through the Japanese Business Research Centre at NDIM which provides high-quality Japanese Language Education across the country.



Director of ARPI, Chair of the Global Risk Policy Network (GRPN)

Tony is an experienced senior executive across public, private and community sectors and co-founder of ARPI and co-author of Strategic Risk Policy®™ with Michael Vincent from Monash University.

Tony’s diverse background has enabled him ‘to view things differently’ and contribute to the evolution of thinking about the new relationship between leadership and a contemporary redefinition of risk for today’s world, to enable informed and pre-emptive decision-making. Concurrently, with an increasing degree of convergence, Tony’s exploration and development of ‘qualitative analytics’ (Analytics 5.0) under the banner of Intelligence Augmentation (IA), with guidance from outstanding academic Professor Keith Lyons is also gaining global attention

Tony has a broad academic background including being an accredited risk and compliance professional and was formerly an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Canberra in leadership, risk, public policy, human resources, public administration and qualitative measurement. Tony is a Fellow of ARPI, GRC Institute, AFMA, IML and RMIA.

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