International Faculties

Dr Pradetto
H.S. University, Germany

Dr. Simon Evans
Head International Partnerships, ARU, UK

Dr. Ulrich Guenther
Professor, Leuphana University

Ambika Solanki
Lecturer, Birmingham City University

Peng Joon
Asia’s Top Digital Marketer

Dr Agata Kołodziejczyk
European Space Agency

Dr Joyendu Bhadury
Dean, College of Business and Economics, Radford University

Anil Behal
CEO, Orgdyne Training and Consulting LLC, United States of America

Anuradha Basu
Director Silicon Valley Center for Entrepreneurship, Calfornia

Dr Gita Surie
Professor & Department Chair Management, Adelphi University, USA

Dr Harald Beschorner
Chancellor FOM University, Germany

Dr Kriz
University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Astronaut Matt Harasymczuk
European Space Agency

Dr Shashank Shah
Author & Visiting Scholar, Harvard Business School, USA

Richard Tan
CEO Success Resources, Australia

Helen E. Williams
Dean, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University USA

Kathy Claytor
CEO & Global HR Head, Corvesta Group USA

CEO Delegation

Miriam Magalhães
Global Master Coach

Kyungmo Cho
MD Dongyang Mechatronics, Korea

MOU with AIT

Oh Sung Gyun
Director Board of Education, South Korea

Prof Aggarwal
Univ of Maryland, USA

Prof Bowers
Dean Stark State College, USA

Prof Chapin
University of Cleveland, USA

Prof. Fon Sim
Prof. Fon Sim, Senior academic, Faculty of Management studies, The University of Nottingham

Prof Gary Packham
Pro VC & Dean, Faculty of Business & Law, Angila Ruskin University, UK

Prof Kaiser
Marquette University, USA

Prof Keptner

Shane Ram
Shane Ram, Business & Life Coach to CEOs, Caribbean Islands

Simon Sweeney
Sr Lecturer, University of York, UK

Susan Gale Wintermuth
Visiting Prof, China-EU Law School & Bilkent University, Turkey

Ms. Jeniffer
Sr Manager, Deloitte, USA

Workshop at NDIM
Disney Institute, USA
International Associations

NDIM provides platforms in the form of international seminars/workshops conducted by International Trainers and by inviting international professors and dignitaries to enhance knowledge and vision of the students.
Visit of International Delegations & Foreign Dignitaries at NDIM :
- Prof. Ali Parsa , Dean, School of Real Estate and Land Management, Royal Agricultural University , UK Visited NDIM on 6th June 2014 to discuss future collaborations in the area of Joint programmes, certification courses in the area of Real Estate Management.
- Professor and Programme, School of Real Estate, RICS School of Built Environment, UK visited NDIM and interacted with Faculty on 29th April 2014 regarding possible future collaborations in the area of Real Estate and Construction Management and Sports Management with University of Ulster.
- Prof. Gita Surie, Associate Professor, Adelphi University, USA interacted with New Batch of MBA students and shared her expertise in the area of innovation and leadership. Her session on 23rd June 2014 was well received by the students. Ms. Surie also discussed possible collaborations in the area of faculty exchange, student exchange, Joint research and research opportunities for NDIM students.
- A delegation of US Working Professionals and Management students from Marquette University , USA visited NDIM on 7th January 2014. The purpose of the visit was cultural exchange and knowledge transfer in the area of difference in Indian and American Work culture. NDIM students made cultural presentations on their respective states to the delegation which was appreciated very much. Prof. S. Mookherjee took a session on “Doing Business in India” for the visiting delegation. The delegation was led by Prof. Kate Kaiser, Associate Professor Emerita and Prof. Monica Adya, Associate Professor from Marquette University. Prof. Kate delivered a talk on “Future IT Skills” wherein she gave lots of tips to young managers on areas of focus in future with reference to IT Skills. Prof. Adya delivered a talk on Career experiences of IT Professionals which was well received.
- NDIM hosted a High level KOREAN business delegation comprising of 12 Presidents, CEO’s and Chairmen of leading Healthcare and Pharma – manufacturing & distribution companies & hospital chains on 14th January 2014. The purpose for the delegation was to explore business tie-ups, joint manufacturing, distribution and partnership opportunities with Indian Businesses. The following representatives from India’s Business Sector attended the meeting:
- Mr. Mandeep Kohli AVP, Indiabulls. Along with two colleague Ms. Ishita and Ms. Zoya, Mrs.Madu Rishi Lamba G.M, marketing and Dr. Seema Grover from Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Capt. MCS Bhakuni, Head HR, BL Kashyap & Sons Co
- Lt. Gen (Retd.) Munish Sibal, PVSM,AVSM
- The meeting was very interactive and Indian companies exchanged lot of ideas for business opportunities with the Korean Giants in the area of Medicine, Education, Environment and Real Estate. Justice Bhayana.
- NDIM hosted Senior Officers of Bangladesh Government including Dr. Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir working as Director with Hon’ble Prime Minister, Bangladesh. They visited us for a training programme on “ Indian Administrative Systems and Electoral Processes” on 20th February 2014. The Training session was taken by our Director on the Board, Sh. B.B. Tandon, former CEC. The session was very interactive and the delegation spoke very highly of the session.
- H.E. Dr. Ali Abd- Al- Aziz Al-isawi, Ambassador of State of Libya to India visited NDIM on 23rd June 2014. He inaugurated the 24th National Management Games and spoke to NDIM students about the key managerial skills that future managers must possess and focus on building. He also discussed future educational collaborations in the area of education between NDIM and Libya.
- Mr. Sun Ki Kang, Chief Representative from Korea Exim Bank addressed the new batch of PGDM students on 25th June 2014. Mr. Kang discussed future educational opportunities in the area of finance and international business with NDIM.
- Mr. Richard Tan , CEO , Success Resources International from Singapore addressed NDIM students on Tips to be Successful . His firm was responsible for hosting World renowned author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki in India in September 2014.
- Mr. Peng Joon Chan, Infopreneur from Malaysia addressed NDIM students on 15th September 2014. He is the Director of Somabble Sdn Bhd.
- Mr. Hashan Haputhanthri, Head (Marketing)-TVS Motors Sri Lanka on 26th November, 2015. A great motivational speaker and coach and Head of Marketing at TVS, Sri Lanka. He conducted a Faculty and Staff Development Programme on Motivation.
- Knowledge Session by H.E. Mr. Carlos Duarte, Ambassador of Brazil to India on 20th July 2015 at 11:00 am on Business Opportunities in Brazil and outcomes of BRICS Conference.
- Prof. Patrick Michael Keptner, Chief Executive Officer, Tohatchi Area of Opportunity & Services, Inc., USA visited NDIM on 3rd July 2015 and conducted an FDP on American Best Practices in Management Teaching.
- Prof. Taleb Omran, Professor , University of Syria and Mr. Salam Socar, Cultural Attache to Embassy of Syria visited NDIM on 27th May 2015 to discuss collaborations for higher education of Syrian students.
- Prof. Fon Sim, senior academic, Faculty of Management studies, The University of Nottingham, and delivered an FDP on 8th May 2015 on Best Practices and Latest Pedagogy in Management Teaching. She also shatrd her work in the area of changing consumer needs in the 21st century, changing demographic populations and how this affects consumerism, gender issues in business etc.
- Mr. Dong Sung Pak, MD, Hyosung Corporation India PVT. Ltd, Dr. Ulrich Guenther, Professor, Lueneberg, Germany, Mr. Shiraz Javed, Shahid Group and Co – founder of Chatsworth, UK, Ms Fariha Ansari Javed, Advisor, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) visited and spoke to students at NDIM for the International HR Conference on Connect Collaborate And Differentiate: New Models In Contemporary India held on 18th March 2015.
- Prof. Simon Sweeney (Lecturer in International Business and International Political Economy), and Ms. Adina Timofei (International Office, Students Recruitment and Admission) from University of York visited on 30th January 2015at 10:00 am for a Faculty interaction and student guest lecture on International Business Scenario.
- Prof. Anuradha Basu. Dr. Basu is Director of the Silicon Valley Center for Entrepreneurship and Professor in the Department of Organization & Management at San Jose State University, USA. She is also Faculty Advisor to the SJSU Entrepreneurial Society, which offers internship opportunities and shadow programs for SJSU students. She visited for session on Recent trends and Immigrant entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley on 19th December 2014.
- Anuradha Basu
- Leena Upadhyay, SIES, Norway
- Preetam Saikia, Middlesex University
- Jaideep Chowdhury, BWL – Switzerland
- Ulrich Guenther, Leuphana University, Germany
- Dr. Simon Evans, Director international partnerships, Lord Ashcroft International Business School, Prof Gary Packham, Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean, Lord Ashcroft International Business School and Prof Steven Wordsworth,Deputy Dean International, Partnerships & Student Experience, Faculty of Health Social Care & Education , Anglia Ruskin University, UK
- Ms. Pamela S. Harding, CEO Metzano , USA 2017
- Katharine Claytor’ VP –HR CORVESTA, USA , 2017
- Dr. Anil Behal, CEO Orgdyne Consulting, USA 2017
- H. E. Mr. Ali Illiassai, Ambassador of Niger visited NDIM 24th Aug. 2017 to have international placements.
- His Excellency Mr. Nadir Patel, High Commissioner, Canada visited NDIM on 21st Sep 2017 and shared about about Global skill strategy, women startup, Indian entrepreneurship in Canada and their funding. He also spoke about Canada and India are currently holding negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to improve the trade relations between the two countries.
- His Excellency Mr. Milan Havorka, Ambassodar Czech Republican visited NDIM on 22nd Sep 2017 and shared words of wisdom and guided NDIM students how to be a good leader.
- Mr. David K Harger, Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions for University of Mary Washington, USA and Dr. Mahesh Luthia, Managing Director, Radford University, USA visited NDIM on 15th November 2017 in regard to Interaction with faculty and were exploring the possibility of university partnerships, joint certification and exchange programs.
- Delegation from Asian Institute of Technology, (AIT) Thailand on 23rd November, 2017- NDIM has partnered with most prestigious international university (AIT, Thailand) which has been ranked for Excellence in Teaching, Internationalization and Facilities by QS STARS at International level. Under the partnership, our PGDM students can study at this International University in Thailand and earn international credits & certifications. This was till now available only to the students of IIM-A, IIM-K and some other IIMs. NDIM have also been empowered to award the most prestigious “Doctorate of Business Administration” (DBA) degree of the AIT (Thailand) which is the rarest of rare honour for any MBA school in India & across the world. NDIM is the only MBA School empowered to conduct the DBA program of AIT in India, which speaks volumes of our teaching & faculty strength. None of the IIMs have been empowered for this DBA Program. This will take institution to global stage.
International Faculty visited NDIM in the past:
- Prof. Fon Sim, University of Nottingham, U.K.;
- Prof. Patrick Michael Keptner, Chief Executive Officer, Tohatchi Area of Opportunity & Services, Inc., USA;
- Prof. (Dr) Shashank Shah, Project Director, Social Entrepreneurship and Livelihood Creation in India, Harvard University (South Asia Institute)
- Dr. Anuradha Basu, Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, LUCAS College & Graduate School of Business, Silicon Valley, USA. FDPs have also been conducted at NDIM
- Dr. Ullrich Guenther, Prefessor in Psychology, University of Lueneburg, Germany
- Mr. Akhil Bhandari, Ex.Vice-President & Chief Information Officer, Pratt & Whiteney
- Dr. Gita Surie, Associate Professor, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business, Adelphi University
- Mr. Alex Paizes,Director, The Pacific Institute, Australia
- Mr. Paul Bowers,Dean, Hiram College, USA
- Ms. Sevda Yuksek,Research Scholar, Leuphana university of Lüneburg
- Prof. Monica Adya ,Associate Professor Marquette University
- Prof. Kaiser, Emerita, Marquette University
- Dr. Seong Min Lee ,Professor,Youngdong University
- Ms. Ritu Agarwal, Professor and the Robert H. Smith Dean’s Chair of Information Systems, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
- Prof. August Pradetto, Director at Institute of International Politics at Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forcesamburg.
- Prof. David Faulkner, Magna Carta University Of Wales
- Dr. Welly Kriz, Prof. of HR at University of Applied Sciences, Austria
- Prof. B. Bahadur, ACE Institute of Management, Kathmandu Nepal
- Prof. Ali Parsa , Dean, School of Real Estate and Land Management, Royal Agricultural University , UK
- Prof. Anil Kashyap , Professor and Programme Director , School of Real Estate, RICS School of Built Environment, UK
- Prof. Taleb Omran, Professor, University of Syria
- Mr. David Wilcox HBS Alumini, Philanthropist, Social Entrepreneur & Founder “Reach Scale”
- Ms. Maria Luisa Perez, Director, Centre for International Development, Australian Institute of Management Western Australia
- Mr. Maurice Dimmock, Chairman, Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC)
- Dr. Willy Kriz, Professor, University of Applied Sciences, Austria
- Ms. Kate Kaiser, Associate Professor Emerita, Marquette University, USA
- Ms. Sevda Yuksek, Research Scholar, Leuphana University, Hamburg Germany
- Mr. Ken Chapin Professor, Founder & CEO, Cleveland Professional university, Mobile Innovation Lab
- Ms. Sari Joutsimaki, Research Scholar, Finland
- Dr. Anil Behal, CEO, Orgdyne Training and Consulting LLC, USA
- Dr Simon Evans, Director of International Partnerships Lord Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University. UK
- Prof Gary Packham, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean; Professor of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Lord Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University. UK
- Professor Stephen Wordsworth, Deputy Dean – International, Partnerships and Student Experience, Anglia Ruskin University. UK
- Prof. Simon Sweeney (Lecturer in International Business and International Political Economy), and Adina Timofei (International Office, Students Recruitment and Admission) from University of York)
- Prof. Vikas Mittal, Rice Univ., U.S.A. (ex-Faculty, Kellogg, USA
- Mr. Shane Ram, CEO, STEP Consulting, USA
- Dr. Harald Beschorner, Chancellor of FOM University, FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Germany
- Mr. Paul Smith, International Director, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Ms. Michaela Schonherr, Head International Relations, FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Germany
- Ms. Miriam Magalhães, Academic Strategy Director & Founder of Universal Studies Language Coaching for Success, USA
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Each year over 250 companies visit NDIM for campus placements. To explore all industries and categories, please click the button below
This college has a very good and a highly motivated placement cell which ensures each and every student gets multiple opportunities to get a good job and kick-start their career. Even in these testing times of pandemic, the college’s placement team is coming up with great companies for students to apply and get their desired jobs, and sometimes, like in my case, two Amazing Jobs. It was truly an honour and a privilege that I got to finish my PGDM from NDIM. It gives me great joy to share that NDIM allowed me to secure not one but two job offers from campus, both with corporate giants i.e. Oyo Rooms and Amazon. The college puts genuine efforts in nurturing each student, preparing them both mentally and physically to take on the challenges of business & the corporate sector. My Internships with Oyo Hotels & Homes and Aditya Birla Fashion were a great learning experience. The teaching faculty and non-teaching staff works side-by-side in ensuring the best curriculum is delivered by top faculty in a collaborative learning environment. The college ensures that the batch has a diverse mix of students coming from a wide variety of backgrounds and different states. I will be forever be grateful to this college as it helped me to stand on my feet and gave me the push necessary to start my corporate journey with world class brands.

Mojit Murali
Oyo & Amazon
My experience with NDIM was Awesome. In the middle of my second year, I got placed with my dream company Dabur, the largest FMCG company of India listed on the NSE. Many other reputed companies also came to the campus for placements and internships, the corporate resource cell of NDIM is excellent. I got internships with Parag Milk Foods & and a Live project with Future Retail, all of which prepared me well for my final placement interviews. NDIM has the best and most helpful faculty and placement cell. Every time I faced challenges in Academics or placement, they were always there to help me. The immense exposure at this campus added a lot to my confidence and presentation skills. Overall, I am thankful to NDIM for all the learning and my placement in a desired profile with a great company like Dabur.

Prateek Dawar
In the beginning of my 4th semester, I got a final campus placement in my chosen profile with a renowned Financial Services company listed on the NSE. However, due to the sudden outbreak of covid-19 and related business disruption, my joining got substantially delayed. At this point NDIM was again very supportive and they helped me get an equally good alternate placement with a globally renowned financial services company, Ernst & Young. Overall, my 2-year journey of professional growth at NDIM was really thrilling and full of academic and corporate exposure. I enjoyed my stay at NDIM so much because I got to learn a lot of different things. The Faculty has been quite supportive at every step. Even at the time of final placements, when I was struggling in my initial interviews, the teachers and placement team were very cooperative, they helped me identify my weakness and overcome it, so I could get placed in my dream company. The corporate exposure at NDIM is phenomenal. In addition to plant visits, guest lectures, high profile corporate conferences, I was given practical experience through two internships with companies such as Aditya Birla and Ummeed Housing Finance. I am very thankful to every member of NDIM.

Anjali Nagpal
Ernst & Young (EY)
When many people across the world were losing jobs, I got an amazing campus placement (during the Lockdown and global shut down) with India’s leading EdTech Company, Byju’s valued at over $11bn. NDIM was always there for its students despite the Lockdown. Our balance 4th semester classes were conducted professionally online & course was completed on time. The faculties were always available for guidance and the placement team continued to strive hard. Thankfully an Alumni friend from NDIM had recommended I join this college. Before joining NDIM I had no idea about its immense Industry connect and the corporate preparedness efforts it invests on each student. But NDIM taught me many new things and gave me lots of opportunities for Industry Interaction. I went for numerous industry visits where I got to observe & learn how industries work internally. I was also given Internships & live projects with Amul, Colgate and Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages. My campus assigned corporate mentor from Nokia was very supportive. The faculties are highly experienced and the classes offer a lot of learning. All these experiences have helped me get ready for success in my corporate life.

Dinku Moni Saikia
Even during the pandemic NDIM made sure that placements continued. No matter how slow the pace of the corporate world but NDIM ensured its students got the best opportunities. Placement Interviews and preparation for us continued online when majority of the companies were busy cutting costs and laying off their employees. The constant preparation throughout the 2 years at NDIM and support from my teachers and placement cell ensured I get an excellent placement with a top brand like Paytm despite the pandemic. Even during the Lockdown, the college ensured our studies aren’t adversely affected and transitioned to quality online classes and exams within a week. In General, besides business education, the college also puts a lot of emphasis on soft skills which are one of the most essential skill sets needed in the corporate world. Guest Lectures by Top Management of some of the most esteemed companies are regularly conducted. The plant visits offered by NDIM are truly enriching, I visited Coca Cola and Yamaha Factories from the college. The Placement cell also gave me amazing internships with Urban Company and PepsiCo which were a fantastic learning experience. I am truly grateful to this college. Overall, NDIM offers a complete package for all the aspiring students who aim for a bright future.

Akshit Sharma
I had a great experience at NDIM. I learnt a lot about Management Studies and the Corporate World. NDIM understands the needs of its students better and has the flexibility to incorporate their suggestions. I was quite impressed with the quality and efforts of its teachers and the Corporate resource centre. The final placements and internships & live projects offered from the Campus are Excellent. I got two internships in Dabur and Carlsberg which helped me immensely. I am incredibly happy and thankful to NDIM for my final campus Placement at Colgate Palmolive (one of the most renowned MNCs) almost 10 months before completion of my course.

Raghav Gera